Basic RT components and utilities  315.12.1
Public Attributes
OpenHRP::StabilizerService::stParam Struct Reference

Stabilizer Parameters. More...

import "StabilizerService.idl";

List of all members.

Public Attributes

DblArray2 k_tpcc_p
 Feedback gain for ZMP tracking error (x,y)
DblArray2 k_tpcc_x
 Feedback gain for COG position tracking error (x,y)
DblArray2 k_brot_p
 Body posture control gain [rad/s] (roll, pitch).
DblArray2 k_brot_tc
 Time constant for body posture control [s] (roll, pitch).
DblArray2 eefm_k1
 Feedback gain for COG position tracking error (x,y)
DblArray2 eefm_k2
 Feedback gain for COG velocity tracking error (x,y)
DblArray2 eefm_k3
 Feedback gain for ZMP tracking error (x,y)
DblArray2 eefm_zmp_delay_time_const
 Time constant for stabilizer ZMP delay [s] (x,y)
DblArray2 eefm_ref_zmp_aux
 Auxiliary input for ZMP position [m] (x,y). This is used for delay model identification.
sequence< sequence< double, 3 > > eefm_rot_damping_gain
 Sequence of all end-effector rotation damping gain [Nm/(rad/s)] (r,p,y).
sequence< sequence< double, 3 > > eefm_rot_time_const
 Sequence of all end-effector rotation damping time constant [s] (r,p,y).
sequence< sequence< double, 3 > > eefm_pos_damping_gain
 Sequence of all end-effector position damping gain [N/(m/s)] (x,y,z).
sequence< sequence< double, 3 > > eefm_pos_time_const_support
 Sequence of all end-effector position damping time constant for double support phase [s] (x,y,z).
sequence< sequence< double, 3 > > eefm_swing_rot_spring_gain
 Sequence of all swing leg end-effector rotation spring gain (r,p,y).
sequence< sequence< double, 3 > > eefm_swing_rot_time_const
 Sequence of all swing leg end-effector rotation spring time constant [s] (r,p,y).
sequence< sequence< double, 3 > > eefm_swing_pos_spring_gain
 Sequence of all swing leg end-effector position spring gain (x,y,z).
sequence< sequence< double, 3 > > eefm_swing_pos_time_const
 Sequence of all swing leg end-effector position spring time constant [s] (x,y,z).
sequence< sequence< double, 3 > > eefm_ee_moment_limit
 Sequence of all end-effector end-effector-frame moment limit [Nm].
sequence< double > eefm_pos_compensation_limit
 Sequence of all end-effector position compensation limit [m].
sequence< double > eefm_rot_compensation_limit
 Sequence of all end-effector rot compensation limit [rad].
double eefm_pos_time_const_swing
 End-effector position damping time constant for single support phase [s].
double eefm_pos_transition_time
 Transition time for single=>double support phase gain interpolation [s].
double eefm_pos_margin_time
 Margin for transition time for single=>double support phase gain interpolation [s].
double eefm_leg_inside_margin
 Inside foot margine [m]. Distance between foot end effector position and foot inside edge.
double eefm_leg_outside_margin
 Outside foot margine [m]. Distance between foot end effector position and foot outside edge.
double eefm_leg_front_margin
 Front foot margine [m]. Distance between foot end effector position and foot front edge.
double eefm_leg_rear_margin
 Rear foot margine [m]. Distance between foot end effector position and foot rear edge.
DblArray2 eefm_body_attitude_control_gain
 Body attitude control gain [rad/s] (roll, pitch) for EEFM.
DblArray2 eefm_body_attitude_control_time_const
 Time constant for body attitude control [s] (roll, pitch) for EEFM.
double eefm_cogvel_cutoff_freq
 Cutoff frequency of LPF in calculation of COG velocity [Hz].
double eefm_wrench_alpha_blending
 Blending parameter [0, 1] for wrench distribution.
double eefm_alpha_cutoff_freq
 Cutoff frequency of LPF in calculation of force moment distribution alpha ratio parameter [Hz].
double eefm_gravitational_acceleration
 Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2] used in ST calculation.
double eefm_ee_pos_error_p_gain
 Pos error gain.
double eefm_ee_rot_error_p_gain
 Rot error gain.
double eefm_ee_error_cutoff_freq
 Pos rot error cutoff freq [Hz].
sequence< SupportPolygonVerticeseefm_support_polygon_vertices_sequence
 Sequence of vertices for all end effectors.
boolean eefm_use_force_difference_control
 Use force difference control or each limb force control. True by default.
boolean eefm_use_swing_damping
 Use damping control for swing leg.
DblArray3 eefm_swing_damping_force_thre
 Swing damping control force threshold [N].
DblArray3 eefm_swing_damping_moment_thre
 Swing damping control moment threshold [Nm].
DblArray3 eefm_swing_rot_damping_gain
 Rotation damping gain for swing leg [Nm/(rad/s)] (r,p,y)
DblArray3 eefm_swing_pos_damping_gain
 Position damping gain for swing leg [N/(m/s)] (x,y,z)
sequence< sequence< double, 6 > > eefm_ee_forcemoment_distribution_weight
 Sequence of all end-effector force/moment distribution weight.
STAlgorithm st_algorithm
 Current Stabilizer algorithm.
ControllerMode controller_mode
 Current ControllerMode.
double transition_time
 Transition time [s] for start and stop Stabilizer.
BoolSequence is_ik_enable
 Bool sequence for all end effectors whether the end effector is used for limb IK.
BoolSequence is_feedback_control_enable
 Bool sequence for all end effectors whether the end effector is used for feedback control (currently damping control).
BoolSequence is_zmp_calc_enable
 Bool sequence for all end effectors whether the end effector is used for zmp calculation.
double cop_check_margin
 COP margin [m] from edges for COP checking.
DblArray4 cp_check_margin
 CP margin [m] (front, rear, inside, outside)
DblArray2 tilt_margin
 tilt margin [rad] (single support phase, double support phase) from reference floor
DblArray2 ref_capture_point
 ref_CP [m] (x,y) (foot_origin relative coordinate)
DblArray2 act_capture_point
 act_CP [m] (x,y) (foot_origin relative coordinate)
DblArray2 cp_offset
 CP_offset [m] (x,y) (foot_origin relative coordinate)
double contact_decision_threshold
 contact decision threshold [N]
sequence< sequence< double, 3 > > foot_origin_offset
 Foot origin position offset.
EmergencyCheckMode emergency_check_mode
 Emergency signal checking mode.
< AutoBalancerService::Footstep
boolean is_estop_while_walking
 whether an emergency stop is used while walking
sequence< IKLimbParametersik_limb_parameters
 Sequence for all end-effectors' ik limb parameters.
boolean use_limb_stretch_avoidance
 Whether change root link height for avoiding limb stretch.
double limb_stretch_avoidance_time_const
 Limb stretch avoidance time constant [s].
DblArray2 limb_stretch_avoidance_vlimit
 Root link height change limitation for avoiding limb stretch [m/s] (lower, upper)
sequence< double > limb_length_margin
 Sequence of limb length margin from max limb length [m].
double detection_time_to_air
 Detection time whether is in air [s].

Detailed Description

Stabilizer Parameters.

Member Data Documentation

act_CP [m] (x,y) (foot_origin relative coordinate)

contact decision threshold [N]

Current ControllerMode.

COP margin [m] from edges for COP checking.

CP margin [m] (front, rear, inside, outside)

CP_offset [m] (x,y) (foot_origin relative coordinate)

Detection time whether is in air [s].

Cutoff frequency of LPF in calculation of force moment distribution alpha ratio parameter [Hz].

Body attitude control gain [rad/s] (roll, pitch) for EEFM.

Time constant for body attitude control [s] (roll, pitch) for EEFM.

Cutoff frequency of LPF in calculation of COG velocity [Hz].

Pos rot error cutoff freq [Hz].

Sequence of all end-effector force/moment distribution weight.

Sequence of all end-effector end-effector-frame moment limit [Nm].

Pos error gain.

Rot error gain.

Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2] used in ST calculation.

Feedback gain for COG position tracking error (x,y)

Feedback gain for COG velocity tracking error (x,y)

Feedback gain for ZMP tracking error (x,y)

Front foot margine [m]. Distance between foot end effector position and foot front edge.

Inside foot margine [m]. Distance between foot end effector position and foot inside edge.

Outside foot margine [m]. Distance between foot end effector position and foot outside edge.

Rear foot margine [m]. Distance between foot end effector position and foot rear edge.

Sequence of all end-effector position compensation limit [m].

Sequence of all end-effector position damping gain [N/(m/s)] (x,y,z).

Margin for transition time for single=>double support phase gain interpolation [s].

Sequence of all end-effector position damping time constant for double support phase [s] (x,y,z).

End-effector position damping time constant for single support phase [s].

Transition time for single=>double support phase gain interpolation [s].

Auxiliary input for ZMP position [m] (x,y). This is used for delay model identification.

Sequence of all end-effector rot compensation limit [rad].

Sequence of all end-effector rotation damping gain [Nm/(rad/s)] (r,p,y).

Sequence of all end-effector rotation damping time constant [s] (r,p,y).

Sequence of vertices for all end effectors.

Swing damping control force threshold [N].

Swing damping control moment threshold [Nm].

Position damping gain for swing leg [N/(m/s)] (x,y,z)

Sequence of all swing leg end-effector position spring gain (x,y,z).

Sequence of all swing leg end-effector position spring time constant [s] (x,y,z).

Rotation damping gain for swing leg [Nm/(rad/s)] (r,p,y)

Sequence of all swing leg end-effector rotation spring gain (r,p,y).

Sequence of all swing leg end-effector rotation spring time constant [s] (r,p,y).

Use force difference control or each limb force control. True by default.

Use damping control for swing leg.

Blending parameter [0, 1] for wrench distribution.

Time constant for stabilizer ZMP delay [s] (x,y)

Emergency signal checking mode.

Foot origin position offset.

Sequence for all end-effectors' ik limb parameters.

whether an emergency stop is used while walking

Bool sequence for all end effectors whether the end effector is used for feedback control (currently damping control).

Bool sequence for all end effectors whether the end effector is used for limb IK.

Bool sequence for all end effectors whether the end effector is used for zmp calculation.

Body posture control gain [rad/s] (roll, pitch).

Time constant for body posture control [s] (roll, pitch).

Feedback gain for ZMP tracking error (x,y)

Feedback gain for COG position tracking error (x,y)

Sequence of limb length margin from max limb length [m].

Limb stretch avoidance time constant [s].

Root link height change limitation for avoiding limb stretch [m/s] (lower, upper)

ref_CP [m] (x,y) (foot_origin relative coordinate)

Current Stabilizer algorithm.

tilt margin [rad] (single support phase, double support phase) from reference floor

Transition time [s] for start and stop Stabilizer.

Whether change root link height for avoiding limb stretch.

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