
In this section we describe how to use view-simulation functionality for SamplePD (humanoid walking robot sample), that comes as a sample model in OpenHRP3. The procedure lies mainly on following configuration changes.

  1. Camera model configuration
  2. Simulation project settings configuration
  3. Controller configuration
  4. ControllerBridge settings configuration

Now let's look at this procedure in detail.

Camera model configuration

First we define the VRML file that contain configuration settings of camera, that attached to the robot or the environmental object. Camera configuration is done by adding a VisionSensor node to the VRML model.

When it comes to humonoid robot we suppose that it has 2 camera attached to its head. The model file that used for SamplePD's simulation is placed at "sample/model/sample.wrl" . If you open this file you will note that configuration settings for 2 camera are described down the CHEST link.

  children [
    DEF VISION_SENSOR1 VisionSensor {
      translation   0.15 0.05 0.15
      rotation      0.4472 -0.4472 -0.7746 1.8235
      name          "LeftCamera"
      type          "DEPTH"
      sensorId      0
      children [
        DEF CAMERA_SHAPE Transform {
          rotation  1 0 0 -1.5708
          children [
            Shape {
              geometry Cylinder {
                radius      0.02
                height      0.018
              appearance Appearance {
                material Material {
                  diffuseColor      1 0 0
    DEF VISION_SENSOR2 VisionSensor {
      translation   0.15 -0.05 0.15
      rotation      0.4472 -0.4472 -0.7746 1.8235
      name          "RightCamera"
      type          "DEPTH"
      sensorId      1
      children [

For both cameras, output image type is originally set to "DEPTH" (distance image). We change the image type to "COLOR" as follows.

  type          "COLOR"
  type          "COLOR"

Changing attribute values of VisionSensor node allows you to set other properties such as pixel count and viewing angle of the image. For more details please refer here.

Simulation project settings configuration

Even a camera is attached to the model, there can be cases that the controller does not require image data. Therefore view-simulation function is kept OFF by default. To enable this function, you have to change the configuration settings of the simulation project using GrxUI.

Here is how to do that. Go to Simulation View and select "simulation" tab. Check the ViewSimulation checkbox and now view-simulation function is enabled.

Now try to run simulation. When you start simulation on view-simulation enabled condition, a window that display the camera output will be popped out and the display wil be updated with the simulation prograss. Two windows will be displayed since we attached 2 cameras here in this example.

Controller configuration

To add image based operations to the controller, we edit the controller's source file "sample/controller/SamplePD/SamplePD.{h, cpp}".

Here we implement a simple image operation that display 10 pixel wide image data from the center of the image to the left and right respectively.

First we add the port that used to input image data. Color image is outout as data of RTC::TimedLongSeq datatype. So here we add an inport of the above mentioned datatype assigning the name as "image". Please add following red colored codings to your source code.

  // DataInPort declaration
  // <rtc-template block="inport_declare">
  TimedDoubleSeq m_angle;
  InPort<TimedDoubleSeq> m_angleIn;
  TimedLongSeq m_image;
  InPort<TimedLongSeq> m_imageIn;
  // </rtc-template>

SamplePD::SamplePD(RTC::Manager* manager)
  : RTC::DataFlowComponentBase(manager),
    // <rtc-template block="initializer">
    m_angleIn("angle", m_angle),
    m_imageIn("image", m_image),
    m_torqueOut("torque", m_torque),
  // Registration: InPort/OutPort/Service
  // <rtc-template block="registration">
  // Set InPort buffers
  registerInPort("angle", m_angleIn);
  registerInPort("image", m_imageIn);

Then we add the codings that performs image loading from inport and image operations (in this case it outputs pixel information).

RTC::ReturnCode_t SamplePD::onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)

  if (m_imageIn.isNew()){
#if 0
      static ::CORBA::ULong startl = 0U;
	  if(startl == 0)
	      startl = m_image.tm.sec;
	  printf("t = %4.1f[s] : ",m_image.tm.sec - startl + m_image.tm.nsec*1e-9);
      static int count = 0;
	  printf("t = %4.1f[s] : ", count*0.1);
#define isBlack(x) (x)==0xff000000
	  for (int i=320*120+150; i<320*120+170; i++){
		  if (isBlack(m_image.data[i])){


Here the loaded image size is 320x240. You can change the image size by editing width and height attribute values of the VisionSensor node. Each pixel is stored as 4 bytes of color data, in the data portion of TimedLongSeq. In this example it prints time information that included in image data. Then it performs an image operation for each pixel and prints '0' if the pixel color is black and '1' for if other.

ControllerBridge settings configuration

Next we focus on configuring ControllerBridge settings to output image information. ControllerBridge settings are configured by editing "sample/controller/SamplePD/SamplePD.sh" on Linux or "sample/controller/SamplePD/SamplePD.bat" on Windows. Please add the following red colored portions.


openhrp-controller-bridge \
--server-name SamplePDController \
--out-port angle:JOINT_VALUE \
--out-port left-eye:0:COLOR_IMAGE:0.1 \
--in-port torque:JOINT_TORQUE \
--connection angle:angle \
--connection torque:torque \
--connection left-eye:image

In the first added line, a port is added to the ControllerBridge for image ouput purpose. This port, outputs image taken by left camera, of 2 cameras attached to the robot's head. Because the sensorId of left camera is 0, 0 is specified for the identifier. Outport name is assigned as "left-eye" and the output cycle is set to 0.1[s].

The second added line specifies the connection between ControllerBridge and the SamplePD component. It specifies the connection between the image port added to the SamplePD component and the left-eye port added to the ControllerBridge.

Please refer here for more details about ControllerBridge settings.

Simulation execution

There you are now done with configuration changes, and let us move to execute the simulation. You will notice following like output, through the ProcessManager View window.

setting naming
setup RT components
detected SamplePD0
detected the ExtTrigExecutionContext of SamplePD0
connect VirtualRobot0:angle <--> SamplePD0:angle ...ok
connect VirtualRobot0:torque <--> SamplePD0:torque ...ok
connect VirtualRobot0:left-eye <--> SamplePD0:image ...ok
on Activated
t =  0.0[s] : 00000000000000000001
t =  0.1[s] : 00000000000000001000
t =  0.2[s] : 00000000000000000100
t =  0.3[s] : 00000000000000001000
t =  0.4[s] : 00000000000000001000
t =  0.5[s] : 00000000000000010000
t =  0.6[s] : 00000000000000010000
t =  0.7[s] : 00000000000000100000
t =  0.8[s] : 00000000000001000000
t =  0.9[s] : 00000000000010000000
t =  1.0[s] : 00000000000100000000
t =  1.1[s] : 00000000001000000000
t =  1.2[s] : 00000000001000000000
t =  1.3[s] : 00000000010000000000
t =  1.4[s] : 00000000010000000000
t =  1.5[s] : 00000000010000000000
t =  1.6[s] : 00000000010000000000
t =  1.7[s] : 00000000010000000000

If grid-view is enabled in 3DView window, the generated outlook image will also contain the grid. So you get an output as seen above, since the grid-view also moves with the robot's movements.