As described in "OpenHRP3 Installation guide for Windows" page, some of the supprted softwares are supposed to install using an automatic installer called "Environment Configurator". In this page we explain how to install those supprted softwares manually.

Supported Softwares

We describe how to obtain and install, following supported softwares.

Setup OpenRTM environment

Here we install latest version of "OpenRTM-aist". (The latest released version of OpenHRP, needs 1.0.0-RC1 version of OpenRTM-aist.)

Visit OpenRTM-aist Official Website ->"Downloads"->"Current Version (C++)"->"OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0-RC1"->" Pre-built Package for Windows" section. Find the set of packages built for "Visual Studio 2008" and then download the following Windows installers.

  • OpenRTM-asit (English)
  • OmniORB
  • python
  • PyYAML

Double-click and run the installation process of each downloaded package, according to the guidence of installer. You can proceed with default installer settings, without making any changes.


Please download Jython installer from "Download" page at Once you double-click the downloaded file, the installer will be launched. Please install as you are guided by the installer. You don`t have to change the installer settings, just porceed with defaults.

Library Installations


Here we install tvmet, which is a library for vector and matrix calculation.

You can install tvmet either using the original source package available at or using the easy installer we prepared for windows, which is available at "Downloads" page in this site.

In case of easy installer, download the file named "tvmet-xxx-win.msi", then double click to start installation. Proceed with the guidence given by installer. You can proceed with default installer settings, without making any changes.

If you wish to use the original source package, it is necessary to re-configure the configuration file in source package, to be compatible with windows platform. Dowanload the source package, and then extract to the path where you want tvmet to be installed.Go to the extracted folder and locate the file 'include\tvmet\config\config-vc71.h'. Then Copy it to the path 'include\tvmet\' and rename as "config.h".


There is another vector and matrix calculation library called "Lapack".

Lapack has number of derivated versions, and due to reliability and safety reasons, we use "CLAPACK" derivation for OpenHRP3s' windows version. An easy installer named "CLAPACK-xxx-.msi" is available at "Downloads" page in this site. Download it and double click to start install. You can proceed with default installer settings, without making any changes.


Here we are going to install a collection of C++ libraries called, "Boost" distributed by

We have prepared an easy installer, which installs pre-compiled binary libraries of Boost, that are comptible with Visual C++ 2008. Download the file "Boost-xxx_VC9.msi" available at "Downloads" page. Double click to start installation and follow the instructions. You can proceed with default installer settings, without making any changes.

However, there is an installer distributed by that allows you to select the Visual C++ compiler and library types. Then it installs the compatible libraries for your Visual C++ version.

In case of using this installer, you will lead to a step called "Select Default Variants" during the installation process. Select the particular Visual C++ version you are using, in Compiler block. Select "Multithread" and "Multithread Debug" in Varients block.