
Commandline options


Convert robot simulation model from one another.

usage: simtrans [-h] [-i FILE] [-o FILE] [-f FORMAT] [-c] [-b] [-t FORMAT] [-p PREFIX] [-s] [-e SPGR] [-v]

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-i <file>, --input <file>

convert from FILE

-o <file>, --output <file>

convert to FILE

-f <format>, --from <format>

convert from FORMAT (optional)

-c, --use-collision

use collision shape when converting to VRML

-b, --use-both

use both visual and collision shape when converting to VRML (only supported on most recent version of Choreonoid)

-t <format>, --to <format>

convert to FORMAT (optional)

-p <prefix>, --prefix <prefix>

prefix given to mesh path (e.g. package://packagename, optional)

-s, --skip-validation

skip validation of model data

-e <spgr>, --estimatemass <spgr>

estimate mass and inertia from bounding box of the shape given the (optional)

-v, --verbose

verbose output


Check robot simulation model.

usage: simtrans-checker [-h] [-e FILE] [-v] F [F ...]


model files to validate

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-e <file>, --export <file>

export validation result to FILE in csv format

-v, --verbose

verbose output

Convert URDF model to VRML format

For example, PR2 robot model can be converted as follows.

$ rosrun xacro `rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro > /tmp/pr2.urdf
$ simtrans -i /tmp/pr2.urdf -o /tmp/pr2.wrl

To open the project using hrpsys-simulator.

$ gnome-terminal -x openhrp-model-loader
$ hrpsys-simulator /tmp/pr2-project.xml

Convert VRML model to SDF format

For example, PA10 robot model can be converted as follows.

$ simtrans -i /usr/local/share/OpenHRP-3.1/sample/model/PA10/pa10.main.wrl -o ~/.gazebo/models/

To open the project using gazebo.

$ gazebo ~/.gazebo/models/

Validate all the models in the folder

For example, we can check JVRC task models as follows.

$ git clone jvrcmodels
$ simtrans-checker jvrcmodels/tasks/*/*.wrl

Visualize joint structure using graphviz

For example, PR2 robot model can be visualized as follows.

$ rosrun xacro `rospack find pr2_description`/robots/pr2.urdf.xacro > /tmp/pr2.urdf
$ simtrans -i /tmp/pr2.urdf -o /tmp/
$ dot -Tx11 /tmp/