Release Note Ver.3.1.0(β)
Basic changes and updates from version series 3.0 to 3.1.0(β):
- Implemented GrxUI as an Eclipse plug-in.
ModelLoader was rewritten in C++. Because of that, model reading speed was greatly improved the
compared to the series 3.0 that written in Java.
- Added a feature that supports creating model files on GrxUI.
Started using CMake to generate makefiles and project files. This helped to make the directory
structure clear and eazy-to-use.
Server Management Panel (Server Manager View) was added to control the starting of CORBA servers
on GrxUI.
- Bacame compatible with Ubuntu 8.10 .
When a link has contact with another object, the contact-point and the contact-force of the simulator
can now get through controller bridge.
- Simulating a robot mechanism that has a fixed joint other than "Root", is also supported now.
- Prevented generating a new VirtualRobot, when simulation is restarted.
Specifying multiple ID names for --in-port/--out-port options in ControllerBridge is now supported.
- ControllerBridge now supports with multiple RTC's.
- "jointAxis" data type that used in sample models, was converted to "SfVec3f".