Basic RT components and utilities  315.12.1


This component is remove link's weight from force/torque sensor values.


Original force/torque values are provided by RobotHadware RTC or hrpsys-simulator's RTC. Original force/torque may include by the weight force/torque of links of a robot, which are on the tips of force/torque sensors such as hands and feet.

This component removes the links' weight offset from force/torque. Out data ports are automatically generated according to VRML sensor information. For example, if a robot has "rhsensor", this component removes offset from input "rhsensor" port and output offset force/torque from output "off_rhsensor" port.

Note that "off_xx" values from this component are same as "xx" values from RobotHardware by default. This means, if zero force-moment offset and zero mass offset are specified, "off_xx" values equal to "xx".


This component requires robot's attitude sensing to know the direction of gravity to remove weight force/torque offset. If the robot has imu sensors, this component uses estimated attitude value from "rpy" input data port. Otherwise, this component assumes that the robot's rpy equals zero.

Parameter File

This component can load parameters from a file through OpenHRP::RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetService::loadForceMomentOffsetParams(). This component can also dump parameter through OpenHRP::RemoveForceSensorLinkOffsetService::dumpForceMomentOffsetParams().

Each line of file should be 11 components, "sensorname force_offset_x force_offset_y force_offset_z moment_offset_x moment_offset_y moment_offset_z link_offset_centroid_x link_offset_centroid_y link_offset_centroid_z link_offset_mass".


Data Ports

Input Ports

port namedata typeunitdescription
qCurrentRTC::TimedDoubleSeq[rad]Actual joint angles
rpyRTC::TimedOrientation3D[rad]Actual attitude sensor's Roll-Pitch-Yaw angle in the world frame
name of force/torque sensor defined in a VRML model, such as "rhsensor"RTC::TimedDoubleSeq[N],[Nm]raw force/torque in the sensor frame

Output Ports

port namedata typeunitdescription
"off_" + name of force/torque sensor defined in a VRML model, such as "off_rhsensor"RTC::TimedDoubleSeq[N],[Nm]offset-removed force/torque in the sensor frame

Service Ports

Service Providers

port nameinterface nameservice typeIDLdescription

Service Consumers


Configuration Variables

nametypeunitdefault valuedescription
debugLevelint0debug level

Configuration File