Basic RT components and utilities  315.12.1


This component plays motion patterns.


This component interpolates motion patterns between key frames in hoff-arbib interpolation or linear interpolation (OpenHRP::SequencePlayerService::interpolationMode).

Partial interpolation

This component can interpolate motion patterns at specific joint groups.

Simple inverse kinematics

Simple inverse kinematics is implemented (OpenHRP::SequencePlayerService::setTargetPose).


This component can output reference motion sequence from input motion sequence files using (OpenHRP::SequencePlayerService::loadPattern).
Input files should be [basename].[extensions]. Not all files are required, for example, users can use loadPattern just for .pos.
All files includes timestamp in seconds and data sequence. If the differences between timestamps dt, data sequence is interpolated.
Basically, all data corresponds to Output Ports. To learn more about this, please see Output Ports in this page.

ExtentionDescriptionData lengthData formatunit of data sequence
.posReference joint anglesLength of joint anglesTimeStamp JointAngle1 ... JointAngleN[rad]
.zmpReference ZMP in the base frame3TimeStamp ZMPx ZMPy ZMPz[m]
.gsensReference acceleration in the sensor frame3TimeStamp AccelX AccelY AccelZ[m/^2]
.hipReference base link RPY in the world frame3TimeStamp Roll Pitch Yaw[rad]
.waistReference base link 3D pos and RPY in the world frame6TimeStamp X Y Z Roll Pitch Yaw[m] and [rad]
.torqueReference joint torquesLength of joint torquesTimeStamp JointTorque1 ... JointTorqueN[Nm]
.wrenchesReference force/torque in the sensor frame6 x [force/torque sensor number]TimeStamp Fx0 Fy0 Fz0 Tx0 Ty0 Tz0 ... [N] and [Nm]
.optionalDataOptional dataTimeStamp Data1 ... DataN


Data Ports

Input Ports

port namedata typeunitdescription
qInitRTC::TimedDoubleSeq[rad]initial joint angles
basePosInitRTC::TimedPoint3D[m]initial position of the base link
baseRpyInitRTC::TimedOrientation3D[rad]initial Roll-Pitch-Yaw angles of the base link
zmpRefInitRTC::TimedPoint3D[m]initial ZMP reference

Output Ports

port namedata typeunitdescription
qRefRTC::TimedDoubleSeq[rad]reference joint angles
tqRefRTC::TimedDoubleSeq[Nm]reference joint torques
zmpRefRTC::TimedPoint3D[m]reference ZMP in the base link frame
accRefRTC::TimedAcceleration3D[m]reference acceleration of the sensor in the sensor frame
basePosRTC::TimedPoint3D[m]reference position of the base link in the world frame
baseRpyRTC::TimedOrientation3D[rad]reference Roll-Pitch-Yaw angles of the base link in the world frame
name of force/torque sensor defined in a VRML model + "Ref", such as "rhsensorRef"RTC::TimedDoubleSeq[N],[Nm]reference force/torque in the sensor frame
optionalDataRTC::TimedDoubleSeqoptional data sequence

Service Ports

Service Providers

port nameinterface nameservice typeIDLdescription

Service Consumers


Configuration Variables

nametypeunitdefault valuedescription
debugLevelint0debug level

Configuration File

dtdouble[s]sampling time
modelstd::stringURL of a VRML model