Basic RT components and utilities  315.12.1


This component computes joint torques from joint angles.

PD gains

PD gains should be specified by pdgain file. PD file should include
[Pgain_1] [Dgain_1]
[Pgain_N] [Dgain_N]
Here, N is the number of joints.


Data Ports

Input Ports

port namedata typeunitdescription
angleRTC::TimedDoubleSeq[rad] or [m]Actual joint angles
angleRefRTC::TimedDoubleSeq[rad] or [m]Reference joint angles

Output Ports

port namedata typeunitdescription
torqueRTC::TimedDoubleSeq[rad] or [m]Reference joint torques

Service Ports

Service Providers


Service Consumers


Configuration Variables

nametypeunitdefault valuedescription
dtdouble0.005sampling time
pdgains_sim_file_namestringFile path for PD gain file.

Configuration File

dtdouble[s]sampling time of PD control
ref_dtdouble[s]sampling time of reference angles. If this value is specified, reference joint angles are interpolated internally so that they reach the given values after ref_dt. If this value is not specified, the given reference joint angles are used immediately in the PD control.
modelstd::stringURL of a VRML model
pdgains_sim_file_namestd::stringFile path for PD gain file.
pdcontrol_tlimit_ratiovectorRatio vector for torque limit of PDcontroller outputs. If not specified, 1.0 by default.