Basic RT components and utilities
generate a template project file
ProjectGenerator [input files] [options]
input files shold be VRML or COLLADA files.
--output [output file]
Specify output file path (Required)
For example, when output file is test.xml, ProjectGenerator generates test.xml, test.conf, and test.RobotHardware.conf.
--integrate [true or false]
Use forward dynamics mode or kinematics mode (by default, true).
--dt [dt]
dt is controllers' time step[s] (by default, 0.005[s]).
--timestep [timestep]
timestep is simulator time step[s] (by default, 0.005[s]).
--conf-file-option [conf file option]
conf file option is added to controller's config file such as test.conf.
--robothardware-conf-file-option [robothardware conf file option]
robothardware conf file option is added to robothardware's config file such as test.Robothardware.conf.
--joint-properties [joint properties]
joint properties are properties for each joint. Specify property name and property value.
For example, --joint-properties RLEG_JOINT0.angle,0,RLEG_JOINT1.mode,Torque
--use-highgain-mode [true or false]
Use HighGain mode for robot's joints or Torque mode (by default, use true, use HighGain mode).
read a project file and execute simulation
hrpsys-simulator [project file] [options]
-nodisplay execute simulation without display
-realtime execute simulation in real-time
-usebbox use bounding boxes instead of actual geometries
-endless never finish simulation
-showsensors show sensor output
-size size specify initial window size
-no-default-lights turn off default lights
-max-edge-length length[m] divide large triangles which have longer edges than this value
-max-log-length length[s] set length of ring buffer
-exit-on-finish exit this program when the simulation finishes
Note:NameServer and openhrp-model-loader must be running
In order to change timestep (ex 0.002), you need to change SampleRobot.conf to
dt: 0.002
and SampleRobot.xml to
<property name="SampleRobot(Robot)0.period" value="0.002"> <property name="timeStep" value="0.002">
dt of SampleRobot.conf and XX.period of SampleRobot.xml should be same. timeStep of SampleRobot.xml is not larger than these values.
read a project file and execute simulation and a jython script
Note:NameServer and openhrp-model-loader must be running
hrpsys-simulator-jython [project file] [jython script] [options]
-nodisplay execute simulation without display
-realtime execute simulation in real-time
-usebbox use bounding boxes instead of actual geometries
-endless never finish simulation
-showsensors show sensor output
-size size specify initial window size
-bg r g b background color -max-log-length length[s] set length of ring buffer
read a project file and execute simulation and a python script
hrpsys-simulator-python [project file] [python script] [options]
nodisplay execute simulation without display
realtime execute simulation in real-time
usebbox use bounding boxes instead of actual geometries
endless never finish simulation
showsensors show sensor output
size [size] set window size
bg [r] [g] [b] background color max-log-length length[s] set length of ring buffer
Note:NameServer and openhrp-model-loader must be running
visualize a model file and work as a OnlineViewer server
hrpsys-viewer [model file] [-size size]
-size specify initial window size
-no-default-lights turn off default lights
-max-edge-length divide large triangles which have longer edges than this value
Note:NameServer and openhrp-model-loader must be running
monitor robot's status
hrpsys-monitor [project file] [-rh rtcName] [-sh rtcName] [-size size]
-rh name of RTC which provides OpenHRP::RobotHardwareService (default:RobotHardware0)
-sh name of RTC which provides OpenHRP::StateHolderService (default:StateHolder0)
-size initial window size
-bg r g b background color
Note:NameServer and openhrp-model-loader must be running
Jython interpreter with hrpsys library
hrpsysjy [jython arguments]
Python interpreter with hrpsys library
hrpsyspy [python arguments]
A python module provides python bindings to setup and execute simulations interactively.