========= Connect ========= This tutorial explains how to connect to external system in Choreonoid. Load sample project =================== Select "File" -> "Open Project" menu item and open "OpenRTM-PA10Pickup.cnoid" under "share/project" folder. Configuration for your own project ================================== If you want to edit motion sequence of your own robot model, apply following configuration. From main menu: * Create World item (select "File" -> "New..." -> "World"). * Load model item (select "File" -> "Open..." -> "OpenHRP Model File"). * Create BodyRTC item (select "File" -> "New..." -> "BodyRTC"). If you require physics simulation, add following additional items: * Load floor model item (select "File" -> "Open..." -> "OpenHRP Model File"). * Create AISTSimulator item (select "File" -> "New..." -> "AISTSimulator"). In item panel: Drag and drop the items to following order (model and simulator item must belong to the world item and BodyRTC item must belong to model item). .. image:: rtm-config.png Click BodyRTC item in the item panel and edit the property as: * Controller module name: PA10PickupControllerRTC * Configuration mode: Use Configuration File * Configuration file name: PA10Pickup.conf .. image:: bodyrtc-config.png Create configuration file named "PA10Pickup.conf" with following content: .. code-block:: ini :linenos: in-port = u_in:JOINT_TORQUE out-port = u_out:HAND_R,HAND_L:JOINT_TORQUE out-port = q:JOINT_VALUE connection = u_out:u_in connection = u_in:u_out connection = q:q Above example create instance of PA10PickupControllerRTC and connect each ports to the robot model. You can also use the components comes from hrpsys-base or create the component of your own (see :doc:`../basics/connect`). Run the simulation ================== Click "start simulation" button. .. image:: start-simulation.png